
12 Things That AI Will Change About Law Practice

And your Lawyer Won't Tell You

Here is that list in the event you don’t want to see my mug and hear my dog barking…

The 12 things that #AI will change about law practice

1.      You will know more about the law than ever before.

2.      Attorneys will need to get better to compete with the “information wealth” that clients will not have about the law.

3.      You (can) know more about your lawyer and law firm than ever before.

4.      Your lawyer will know more about you than ever before. Before you ever meet they may know your problem. * Cyrus example.

5.      The time it takes your lawyer to do your work will be much less.

6.      The “billable hour” model will continue to decline with lawyers and law firms more likely to offer “flat fee / fixed fee representations.”

7.      Your lawyer most likely will give you a talk about avoiding learning on your own with AI. Similar to how doctors do not like their patients Googling.

8.      Law practice will become even more virtual and less in person. Much of the in person was to justify time and billable hour fees.

9.      Many more people will be “legally naked” and not seek legal services at all. This is both good and bad. People will make mistakes and also have wins on their own.

10.  The old structure of the law practice and law firms will continue to change. The old partner-associate model will give way to “side agreements” between lawyers, even at different law firms, as lawyers collaborate and share over AI tools.

11.  Brand new technology tools will emerge to offer people seeking legal the ability to get their needs met and questions answered at a greatly reduced investment, and in many cases free.

12.  One of these [new tools area] will be in the important area we call “Access to Justice” or “A2J” or “Legal Aid.” Soon it will be possible to help people in legal clinic settings with less reliance upon having a physical attorney there or physically being there themselves, resulting in greater help for a greater number.

There the 12 things AI will change about the law practice.