Thesis: The Attorney Billable Hour will Decline in Use due to AI Impacts, in Particular ASI
Much talk about AGI, however, fewer talk about ASI (Artificial Specialized Intelligence). This is AI in specialized contexts, jurisidictions, and subject matter areas.
ASI is poised in Law to continue to advance in specific tools and modalities, growing and defining, and will result in further dis-use of the billable hour as the dominant pricing metric for Law.
This Because :
(1) More publicly available Law information than ever before in history is accessible to laypersons.
(2) The quality and volume of this information is improving literally by the week and day.
(3) There is a proof of concept (POC) seen in the adoption by Big Four accounting, for instance, of Legal-AI replacing former corporate law firms traditionally the "other wing" of accounting and finance.
(4) The pandemic era brought irreversible changes in the ways we work and communicate -- including Law.
(5) Mass virtualization is solidified and not reversing. Attenuation to new modalities including for Law is not only set but growing in adoption. These "immediate modes" erode the sense of jusitification for open-ended time metric arrangements.
(6) The prior pressure points supporting billable hour model have become stark and unsustainable: -
"Why should vendor decide an ever-escalating price I am bound to pay?"
"Why should vendor keep/hold all the relevant information and little to me?"
"Why does my legal destiny depend on these hours without any ability of myself to self-help/contribute, after all I know all the history?"
AI is the new shaping codex for Law delivery. P2P P2B P2C. (That’s mine! -AIC)
Over future time, fewer and fewer clients will adopt "pay, don't say, go away" while their own payment clock runs -- increasingly they can find out for themselves now instantly and at free or no cost.
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AIC News:
Look for my upcoming Podcast with Jacob and Spencer on “AI Rebels” we has such the great conversation pre-dawn this morning and got up to some mischief.
I’m honored to be interviewing upcoming the most thoughtful education-oriented AI+ attorney I have ever met in the Divorce Law space, you will love.
Have restored relations with my back end partner, only due to their kindness and also VISION (“We dont look at our critics, we don’t look side to side, we look to mission and go” words to this effect). JS and Manas you are an inspiration!
Soon coming news I hope of product, public access, a stream of new attorney affiliates and tools, “with it” patrons…………………..