
Follow Brian Roemmele, Race, Digital Personhood

In which I talk AI Pioneering, Follow Brian Roemmele, and Who is Creating Digital You?

Did I mention to follow Brian Roemmele?

A thinker and forecaster on deep AI technology and more, offering very valuable content and thought for free on X. Brian is a “far seer”, keeps being “proven right”, am very grateful to have found him and his work which is spot-on and growing and inspiring. We meet on the “Internet of thoughtware”… Which really is the best.

He looks “punk rock,” except Punk Rock Global Data what is needed rn.


  • The Pioneer Age in America and in AI, we are in it right now.

  • Will you stay in the tent from tired or cholera and let the wagon train go without you?

  • Will you just be scared of the “Metaphorical West” (Hello SB 1047)?

  • Who is creating the Digital You?

  • Given any thought at all to your “digital personhood.”

  • Estate Planning attorneys and more take notice!

  • Taylor Swift and Scarlette Johanssen. (her name as confusing as Brian Roemmele)

  • Did you notice the digital continent is a completely (and can be) race-agnostic and gender-agnostic place? Thoughtware governs.