(Going to mix three metaphors here - consider yourself forewarned!)
The time has come to see the law differently.
Law as health.
[SIDEBAR - I’m sorry to admit it, and maybe I learned it from my father, and its just lazy, but only in recent years have I grown out of being “a car mechanic’s favorite.”
What is “a car mechanic’s favorite?
Why, this is the customer with many expensive problems with their car suddenly needing immediate help for the car to function.
The funny thing is that except for very young drivers (and hopefully few of them also), the causes of major multiple car problems is KNOWN (even when as the customer I would act surprised at “all these problems”).
Maintenance, regular, of your cars systems, fluids, and parts can prevent 80% of the problems, You don’t end up in the shop with a large bill.
You need to be regular and systematic about it. Change the oil, check the fluids, inspect the parts, clean various things, apply small patches or fixes.
You either pay now or you pay later. And later always means “a car mechanic’s favorite” - many problems, large bill, immediate help needed to get back on the road, to function again.]
What if I told you it is the same in Law? It is. And now new hope through AI for “lawyer’s favorite” (a client with all kinds of stacked up problems needing immediate help to get back on the road).
AI allows law to become pre-active instead of reactive, to do Law maintenance.
This is one of the ways the law practice is being fundamentally reconfigured.
If clients can examine and monitor their data stacks, they can keep an eye on timelines, assess in light of changes in law, and develop insights based on continuously changing fact scenarios.
It is a positive trend.
A “data stack” can be a very large corporate portfolio; broken down into maybe litigation or employment or compliance.
It could be as “simple” as having your entire divorce file in one place, with the relevant law added, so that you can check in and ask when your attorney or you need to or wish.
It can be “just” one key document, a contract, purchase and sale agreement, an SPA.
Instead of sitting “gathering dust on a drive”, is configured to alert you via text or email when key events are arising like dates, or even the document itself via agent indexing breaking law changes, and notifying your of any concordances or diverting changes in the law or events.
It can be tracking regulatory developments in several different jurisdictions to decide in which to do business.
This ontological change in “The Way of Law” means neither lawyer nor client will wait until “something breaks.” No calling at 5 Friday with “a problem.”
Like automotive, it is also very comparable to the diagnosis and treatment of illness once a person becomes aware of negative physical symptoms.
Instead of “fighting illness”, the emphasis is on regularly and systematically building health, with the right practices which are shown to preserve health.
Lawyers are going to stop fixing things once they break, and begin addressing the legal health of individuals and enterprises to prevent things from breaking in the first place.
‘Building a legal immune system with AI’
Many of the recurrent legal issues in peoples lives, can be identified based on their occupation, location, and family situation. These can be pre-dicted (spoken before).
A “legal health index” if you will,
or a “diagnostic” as in automotive —
= show me all my systems, fluids, gaps.
New digital AI law can look at a client, and predict the future.
Call it risk management if you wish yet it is something much much more. This is Risk Management 2.0.
Or, even better, leave risk behind at all.
This is Legal Health, enabled by AI Maintenance. Pre-Law. Presolving not resolving. Build you now, not a large legal bill later.
It’s individuated — personal and individual to the client or organization and pro-active.
Private, as health, as the attorney-client privilege requires.
How is your legal vitality? That of your organization? Will you do your maintenance?
Were you just going to “drive it into the ground” or did you want to stop regularly for pit stops and have a look-see under the hood?
With AI the insights and possibilities for building up individual and enterprise immunity are many many.
“That lawsuit never happened, we were too healthy for it”