
netscape, medscape, technet, aol, microsoft, and compounding pharmacists

Some Observations Strung together around Themes and Metaphor

I consider myself very blessed to have a diverse career.

Not quite Forest Gump, and yet politics into finance into ecommerce startup into law into global private equity and family offices corporate + technology — NOW AI.

Excited for the second half.

When I came out of college in the mid 1990s, I worked in politics. The Internet was coming of age.

And new things were beginning. I was fortunate to have politics lead me deep into the Silicon Valley technology ecosystem, with TechNet (“Technology Network”) a lobbying ground which was formed to address Microsoft’s virtual web monopoly with Internet Explorer.

Here I collect some recollections and observations and importantly connections.

Themes of 1990s recurrent today, and we can learn from the past, and it helps to pay close attention.

Past is prologue.