I’ve always wondered about lawyers and time keeping. In the academic world people work with grant money that usually specifies a number of hours expected per week. I’ve never had to account for my time, but I’ve long sustained that I spent more actual time than allocated. I can see how automating this task for lawyers would have multiple advantages. AI is revolutionizing lawyers in the workplace from top to bottom eh? It’s freeing up time and keeping better track of it. In a profession infamous for its long work hours it’s an impressive tool.

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Terry you always share thoughtful commentary which is much appreciated. Many people do not realize the burden that time keeping can become for an attorney. There is tons of "leakage" when things are done spontaneously for free, or else forgotten, or else not recording. I have heard lawyers say the practice of measuring their every minute is dehumanizing and depressing (yes). The billable hour, it would seem, often cuts both ways as many clients neither fully understand nor appreciate, and with lawyers as well many have come to see the model as non-sensical as untied from delivered results. Flat fees and other innovating billing metrics are emerging and this is good for all.

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